Panel on Editor's Panel

Prof. Varsha Jain

Professor, MICA Ahmedabad

Prof. Varsha Jain, PhD, is a Professor in Integrated Marketing Communications and the Co-chairperson, FPM (Doctoral Level Program) at the MICA (India). Prof. Jain has over 18+ years of experience in teaching and research. She has authored over 100+ publications in international, national and trade journals, book chapters and case study collections. The publications including the A star and A (ABDC list) such as European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Consumer Marketing and so on. She contributed cases in Ivey case collections and the Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection, marketing management textbook 15/e (Philip Kotler, by invitation), and international marketing textbook (Paul Baines, by invitation) Prof. Jain is recipient of more than 21 national and international awards and gold medals in research and scholarship. Recent award includes “JCB Reviewer of the Year Award 2020”, Journal of Consumer Behavior, USA (ABDC – A journal). Prof. Jain is an editorial member of the Journal of Advertising Research (ABDC ‘A’ Category Journal), Journal of Business Research (ABDC ‘A’ Category Journal), and International Journal of Information Management (ABDC ‘A*’ Category Journal).

In her research career, she is visiting guest at Emory Business School, Atlanta, USA since April 2017 (invited by Prof. Jagdish Sheth) and visiting scholar and guest at The Medill School, North-western University, USA in May 2013 and April 2015 (invited by Prof. Don Schultz). She did a key note speech and panel discussion at Fudan university, Shanghai in August 2019 with the senior academics and senior industry professionals on Global digital natives’ Behavior in the Digital age (by invitation). She was also a visiting professor leading schools in India such as Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Raipur, IIM Trichy and IIM Indore. Her research specialties lie in digital marketing, luxury branding, and digital natives. Prof. Jain’s recently co-authored a book on Consumer Behavior – A Digital Native with Prof Sheth and Prof. Schultz (Indian edition). Her current work entails writing books on Consumer Behavior: A Digital Native African and Global edition, Customer Relationship Management in the Digital Age, Higher Education in Emerging Countries in the Post Pandemic, how to develop conceptual framework in the digital Context and Qualitative Marketing Research in the Digital Age.