Prof. Sharon Ng
Sharon Ng is Associate Professor and Head of the Marketing Division at Nanyang Technological University. Sharon received her Ph.D. from University of Minnesota (USA) and has published in top marketing journals, such as Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research and Journal of Consumer Psychology. She was named a MSI Young Scholar by the Marketing Science Institute (USA) in 2009.
Sharon is currently Area Editor of International Journal of Research in Marketing and sits on the editorial board of Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Business Research, Foundations and Trends in Marketing and Australasian Marketing Journal. She is the co-editor of the Handbook of Culture and Consumer Behavior published by Oxford Press in 2015. Sharon was named Researcher of the Division in 2006, 2008 and 2010. She was also awarded the Nanyang Excellence in Teaching Award in 2009, Teaching Excellence Award (Marketing Division) in 2017 and Teacher of the Year (MSc Marketing and Consumer Insights) in 2020.