


The AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium aims to provide a platform to share and to stimulate new thoughts, approaches, and quantitative/ qualitative investigations in the dynamic field of Marketing to advance the extant knowledge in the field. The consortium brings together leading academicians and doctoral students to provide the latter with opportunities to learn from and be inspired by world-renowned mentors. It also offers students and young faculty a chance to form and strengthen their peer networks, build bridges with legendary professors, and get guidance vis-à-vis their research agendas.


18 June 2022 - 23 June 2022




  • Master Classes by distinguished faculty members in various domains of marketing including but not restricted to Strategy Research, Machine Learning, Empirical Modeling, Consumer Behaviour, and Conscious Capitalism.
  • Global Cafés in which participants will be allocated rooms based on their research interests and receive guidance from world-renowned mentors. These sessions will be coordinated by Prof. Denish Shah.
  • Plenary and parallel tracks include sessions on research relevance, meet the editors, navigating through academic career, manuscript writing, multi-methods research, and how to be an effective teacher.
  • Informal Global Lounges in which participants will get an opportunity to interact, network, and collaborate with fellow doctoral scholars and faculty across the world.
  • Conscious Capitalism Simulation Workshop (all day on the last day of the consortium). This will be conducted by Prof. Ernest R. Cadotte and Prof. Bindu Agarwal.
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International Speakers
Master Classes
Global Cafes
The AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium aims to provide a platform to share and to stimulate new thoughts, approaches, and quantitative/ qualitative investigations in the dynamic field of Marketing to advance the extant knowledge in the field. The consortium brings together leading academicians and doctoral students to provide the latter with opportunities to learn from and be inspired by world-renowned mentors. It also offers students and young faculty a chance to form and strengthen their peer networks, build bridges with legendary professors, and get guidance vis-à-vis their research agendas.


18 June 2022 - 23 June 2022




  • Master Classes by distinguished faculty members in various domains of marketing including but not restricted to Strategy Research, Machine Learning, Empirical Modeling, Consumer Behaviour, and Conscious Capitalism.
  • Global Cafés in which participants will be allocated rooms based on their research interests and receive guidance from world-renowned mentors. These sessions will be coordinated by Prof. Denish Shah.
  • Plenary and parallel tracks include sessions on research relevance, meet the editors, navigating through academic career, manuscript writing, multi-methods research, and how to be an effective teacher.
  • Informal Global Lounges in which participants will get an opportunity to interact, network, and collaborate with fellow doctoral scholars and faculty across the world.
  • Conscious Capitalism Simulation Workshop (all day on the last day of the consortium). This will be conducted by Prof. Ernest R. Cadotte and Prof. Bindu Agarwal.
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International Speakers
Master Classes
Global Cafes



The AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium is the premiere consortium in the marketing discipline. Consortium, beginning in 1966, has brought together the very best doctoral students and faculty from business schools around the world to share in a three-four day event, exposing doctoral students to a rich diversity of topics, methodological perspectives, and theories. The AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium is designed to spark creativity and insight by challenging students to think outside of their existing paradigms and to broaden their views on what constitutes excellent quality research. The Consortium helps students make a successful transition to their first faculty position by providing guidance on research, teaching, and service. Students interact with faculty scholars who have made important contributions to the field and who are dedicated to helping students become the next generation of leaders in the marketing discipline.


Founded in 2009, the Academy of Indian Marketing (AIM) is a consortium of leading management institutions offering world-class management education and research activities through doctoral and equivalent programs. AIM was conceived by two marketing scholars in two different continents. Dr. Jagdish Sheth (Atlanta, USA) and Prof. Neelemegham (India).

With Dr. Sheth and Prof. Neelamegham at the helm, deans, and directors of India’s top-rated business schools/institutions were convinced that a common platform was a boon to nurture the research activities in the Marketing domain, leading to the formation of AIM. On 21st May 2009 Academy of Indian Marketing was registered and received the certificate of incorporation by Registrar of Companies, Mumbai as a Not-for-Profit company U/S.25 of Companies Act in India. Dr. Jagdish Sheth – the Founder and Chairman is supported by the Co- founders – Prof. Neelamegham, Late Mr. Rajeev Karwal, and Dr. V. Kumar, and the Executive Director – Mr. Jayant Shah. AIM has successfully hosted/supported various conferences and doctoral consortium and is committed to its vision and mission of promoting research in marketing and promoting marketing as a discipline with active support from academia and industry.


Jagdish Sheth School of Management (JAGSoM) is amongst the first 6 business schools in India to be awarded the AACSB accreditation. JAGSoM PGDM (Marketing Major) and PGDM (Finance Major) were ranked in the 51+ band and the 101+ band respectively in the QS Business Masters Rankings 2021. Programs at JAGSoM include 1. PGDM: 2 Year residential Post Graduate Diploma in Management with the option to major in Marketing, Finance, HRM, Analytics & Digital Business.
  • PGDM (Marketing Major) – For those who wish to pursue a career in Marketing (with option of career tracks in MarTech or Sales & Service).
  • PGDM (Finance Major) – For those who wish to pursue a career in Finance (with option of career tracks in FinTech, Capital Markets or Banking).
  • PGDM (Analytics & Digital Business Major) – For those who wish to pursue a career in Business Analytics.
  • PGDM (HRM Major) – For those who wish to pursue a career in Human Resources Management (with option of career track in HRTech).
  • PGDM (with option of International Immersion) – For those who wish to pursue studies abroad at our international partner institutions.
2. PGDM Executive: For professionals with work experience with option to attend on-campus sessions during weekends or learn from home (LFH) online. 3. MBA: ‘The Right Brain MBA’ for new age professional roles that require creativity, innovation, design thinking and imagination at our picturesque campus at Karjat, near Mumbai. 4. BBA: A unique residential program with a curriculum that facilitates the process of self-discovery in the initial years and then preparing for a career in business with the benefit of co-learning with MBA participants and mentoring by faculty and industry practitioners. Actively engaged in research and consulting, JAGSoM hosts several Centers of Excellence such as AIM-Parasuraman Centre of Service Excellence and Vithala Rao Centre for Business Analytics. JAGSoM is led by eminent board with globally acclaimed scholar Padma Bhushan Prof. Jagdish Sheth as the Chairman. JAGSOM has four distinct anchors that support its overall educational philosophy:
  • Grooming T shaped professionals with a unique curriculum aligned to the needs of industry 4.0
  • The program is delivered by domain specialist faculty, with professional experience in the industry.
  • Global connects through partnerships with globally acclaimed business schools preparing for career tracks in new-age areas.
  • Industry-connect programs to groom “Beyond Tomorrow” professionals.
  For more information, visit  www.jagsom.com