Prof. Ming-Hui Huang
Ming-Hui Huang is Distinguished Professor, Department of Information Management, College of Management, National Taiwan University. Professor Huang received her PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. She is the first and only Asian-based fellow of European Marketing Academy (EMAC), International Research Fellow of the Centre for Corporate Reputation, University of Oxford, UK, and Distinguished Research Fellow of the Center for Excellence in Service, University of Maryland, USA.
Professor Huang specializes in interdisciplinary research, with publications encompassing both academic and managerial journals in Marketing, Information Systems and Strategy, such as the J. of Marketing, J. of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Marketing Science, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, J. of Service Research (JSR), International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), J. of Management Information Systems, Decision Sciences, J. of Consumer Psychology, J. of Retailing, and Information & Management. She is Editor-in-Chief Elect of JSR, the 11th highest-cited business journal, Associate Editor of IJRM, Information & Management, and Communications of the Association for Information Systems, and serves on the editorial boards of JAMS, Int’l J. of E-Commerce, and Psychology & Marketing.
She has received tenure at universities in both Taiwan and New Zealand (University of Canterbury), and since 2001 has taught exclusively in English. She serves on the AMA (American Marketing Association) Service Special Interest Group board, was Chair of the INFORMS Service Science Section (two terms), was Vice President for Asia/Pacific of AIS (Association for Information Systems), program co-chair of the 2012 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012) and conference co-chair of the 2013 INFORMS/AMA Frontiers in Service Conference. She served as Director of the Management Research program at the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, which is the major source of funding of basic research in the fields of information systems, marketing, and management science.