Prof. Bulent Menguc
United Kingdom
Bulent received his doctorate from Marmara University in 1994. He worked in New Zealand (Lincoln
University), Australia (University of Melbourne), Canada (Brock University), the U.K. (King’s
College London and Leeds University Business School), and Turkey (Kadir Has University and
Ozyegin University) before rejoining Leeds University Business School in November 2021. During
his tenure at Brock University, he served as the Chancellor’s Chair for Research Excellence. He held administrative positions such as Dean at Kadir Has University and Department Head at the Leeds University Business School.
He specializes in salesforce management, frontline service employee-customer interface, marketfocused management, and multilevel research methods. His research has been published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Operations Management, and Journal of Service Research, among others.
He served as Associate Editor in the European Journal of Marketing and Journal of International
Marketing. He has been on the editorial board of such journals as the Journal of the Academy of
Marketing Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Service Research, and
Journal of Operations Management.