Prof. Sandeep Puri
Asian Institute of Management
With more than 27 years of work experience in Industry and teaching, Sandeep specializes in Sales and Marketing. Currently, he is a Professor at Asian Institute of Management, Philippines. Before this, he has worked at IMT Ghaziabad, Trident, and Novartis. He has significant publications to his credit, with two publications in Harvard Business Review. He has more than 75 case studies published with Ivey Publishing, WDI Publishing, and IMD, Lausanne. He has also published articles and research papers in magazines, newspapers, and International Journals, respectively. His book on Sales and Distribution Management, co-authored with Still, Cundiff, and Govoni, is published with Pearson. He is a visiting faculty at business schools like S P Jain-Singapore, Fachhochschule Vorarlberg-Austria, Varna University of Management-Bulgaria, IMT-Dubai, IIM Vishakhapatnam, IMT-Nagpur, Thapar University, Great Lakes, and Jagdish Sheth School of Management in India. He has conducted many FDPs on case writing and case teaching.