About CareerTrack

Domain-focused immersion guided by experts, with specialized coursework and real-world projects.
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About CareerTrack
Domain-focused immersion guided by experts, with specialized coursework and real-world projects.
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About Career Track Programs at JAGSoM

One of the key interventions is the ‘Career Track’ which is a domain concentration that spans an entire term and is an integral part of the ‘Majors’ selected by the students.

Students select a Career Track aligned to their professional goals and then do a deep dive immersion to acquire the required competencies and critical skills for being industry ready. They are mentored and guided by the domain specialist faculty, drawn from both industry and academia.

The Career Track immersion comprises of specialized course work, application exercises, certifications and a ‘Request for Problem (RFP)’ industry project. All of these are aligned to the roles and competencies required for the specific domain.

The following Career Tracks are offered to students to enable in-depth learning:

Career Track in

Sales & Service

Career Track in

Capital MArkets

Career Track in

Business Analytics

Career Track in

HR Digital TRansformation

Career Track in

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

This document has been created to help students align their learning with the roles of their choice, the faculty has to enable students to acquire the relevant competencies and the recruiters to focus on the appropriate student cohort for the selection process.

Grooming T-shaped Professionals For Industry 4.0

JAGSoM’s mission is to nurture holistic, socially responsible and continuously employable professionals. In the line with the mission, the curriculum and pedagogy have been designed to groom ‘T-Shaped Professionals’ who are ready for new age roles in Industry 4.0.

The T-Shaped curriculum helps students acquire both width and depth of learning. It has been developed after extensive research with CXOs across sectors into the learning needs of Industry 4.0, in partnership with National Human Resource Development Network (NHRDN).

About JAGSoM

Jagdish Sheth School of Management or JAGSoM, (formerly known as IFIM Business School), is now truly global, forward-looking and an industry-academia think-tank. With the renaming, the business school has added a crown jewel to its rich legacy and built a roadmap towards global management learning. Named after Padma Bhushan awardee, Charles H Kellstadt Professor of Business, Goizueta Business School and global thinker, Professor Jagdish Sheth. Under Dr. Sheth’s Chairmanship the business school is ready for its next big leap. A leap that’s global, industry-defining and market-oriented. We invite you to be a part of this.

Curriculum 4.0 at JAGSoM

Moulding T-Shaped Professionals

JAGSoM is distinguished by a unique Curriculum 4.0 aligned to the needs of Industry 4.0. The Curriculum is designed to groom ‘T-shaped professionals’ for new-age roles in new-age companies and is delivered through the unique pedagogy of ‘Learning by Solving’.

The PGDM program at JAGSoM is delivered by domain specialist faculty, with professional experience in the industry.

JAGSoM conducted a joint study in collaboration with the National Human Resource Development Network (NHRDN) to identify the unmet needs of the industry and the skills required for Industry 4.0.

The culmination and analysis of the results of the JAGSoM-NHRDN study revealed that successful professionals of the future will be ‘T’ shaped professionals, combining both a l wide breadth of knowledge across areas and in-depth knowledge in a specialised area.

The main focus of Curriculum 4.0 is to groom T-shaped professionals for new age roles in new age industries.

As illustrated in the figure above, the top bar of the ‘T’ represents the broad skills such as the people skills, the social skills, and an appreciation of multi-functional capabilities and how the functional areas play among themselves.

The Practice Courses at JAGSoM form an important part of the pedagogical interventions and are accorded great priority. Almost one third of the total credits in the entire PGDM program is assigned to practice courses. The Practice Courses are ‘Hands – On’ and serve to ensure that students get ready for Industry 4.0.

The Majors, Minors and the Career Tracks make up the Vertical bar of the ‘T’.

In order to ensure that students are ready for Industry 4.0, Curriculum 4.0 includes Career Tracks aligned to their professional goals. Students do a deep dive immersion in their Career Tracks to acquire the required competencies and critical skills to become industry ready. The Career Tracks enable the students to achieve depth of knowledge and skills in a specific area pertaining to Industry 4.0.

The Curriculum 4.0 of JAGSoM includes 4 Majors – Marketing, Finance, Analytics & Digital Business and HR, as well as 8 Career Tracks in MarTech, Sales & Service, FinTech, Capital Markets, Banking, Business Analytics, Digital HR and Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

Integrated Pathway for ‘Learning by Solving’

JAGSoM’sCurriculum 4.0 is delivered through the unique pedagogy of ‘Learning by Solving’ where students work in groups to solve real life problems supported by Industry partners and mentored by domain specialist faculty.

The pedagogy of ‘Learning by Solving’ is operationalized by an integrated pathway consisting of 3 Key Interventions, in which every student at JAGSoM’s PGDM program participates.

Research/Innovation Incubation (RI/II):

Students work in small groups either on Research Projects or Start-Up Ideas, under the guidance of faculty mentors. In the Research Incubation practice course, the focus is on research topics that impact practice where students get an in-depth understanding of various domains through sector and company analysis. The Innovation Incubation practice course is aimed at developing the entrepreneurial mindset of students and at providing them a structured path to creating and launching their own startups.

Career Track Program & Request for Problem (RFP) Project:

The same student groups from the Research Incubation and Innovation Incubation practice courses then move on to work on a live industry project in the Career Track program. Students select a Career Track aligned to their professional goals and do a deep dive immersion to acquire the required competencies and critical skills to become industry ready. Career Tracks are offered to students in MarTech, Sales & Service, FinTech, Capital Markets, Banking, Business Analytics and HR-Digital Transformation.

The ‘Request for Problem’ (RFP) project is an integral component of the ‘Career Track’ Program. Each year, JAGSoM invites industry partners to refer business problems that they are currently facing which student consulting teams help to solve, each led by a fulltime faculty member (or an interdisciplinary team of faculty members).

Industry Internship Program (IIP):

The final step in the pathway is a 3-month long Industry Internship where the students intern with new-age companies to get hands-on experience. The IIP is an intensive immersion, enabling the students to apply the domain knowledge acquired in Research/Innovation Incubation, Career Track and RFP projects, while also understanding real-world industry applications.

Practice Courses at JAGSoM

Personality Enhancement Program

A life-skill and lifestyle-oriented course that addresses issues of wellness and essential skills, like communication, negotiation, and cross-cultural orientation, to groom a holistic individual.

Corporate Mentoring

Corporate mentors guide students in goal setting and realization of their professional aspirations.

Effective Execution

This course aims at enhancing the ability of students to address the challenges of collaboration, conflict resolution, timely and cost-effective execution of critical activities to achieve specific milestones in institution building activities.

Social Immersion Program

Students undertake immersions with NGOs in rural areas. Students learn to design solutions for social problems through a Techno Economic Viability study, thereby enabling sustainable, socially positive, and measurable impact on UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Research Incubation

In the Research Incubation practice course, students work in small groups on Research Projects under the guidance of faculty mentors. The focus is on research topics that impact practice where students get an in-depth understanding of various domains through sector and company analysis.This practice course is featured by AACSB in the list of best practices in the Asia Pacific.

Design Thinking and Innovation Incubation

This course empowers the participants to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and enables them to tackle business problems & challenges through creativity and innovation.Students work in small groups on Start-Up Ideas under the guidance of faculty mentors.The Innovation Incubation practice course is aimed at developing the entrepreneurial mindset of students and at providing them a structured path to creating and launching their own startups.

Industry Internship Program

The PGDM program concludes with this 3-month long internship providing a transitioning bridge between theory and practice. The Industry Internship Program (IIP) is the final component of the RI-RFP-IIP Integrated Pathway for ‘Learning by Solving’.