Business Analytics

Industry Projects

Industry Live Projects in Business Analytics Career Track provide hands-on experience and real-world application.

Industry Projects

In the Career Track, participants work on an Industry Project to solve a problem related to the Target Role, Sector and Company.

Live Industry Projects - 2023

Request For Problems (RFP) Industry Projects

Company Project Title Project Description
Loantap Automating The Underwriting Process And Data Management The objective of this project is to develop a scoring model that can help evaluate the employer of a salaried applicant and his relationship with the employer and analyze other variables/inputs relevant for employer verification from an underwriting perspective.
Capgemini Portfolio Wealth Management Feasibility of setting up a new line of business in insurance BD.
Capgemini Credit Fraud Detection. The project is to build a model to detect credit fraud. The challenge is to recognize fraudulent credit card transactions so that customers of credit card companies are not charged for items that they did not buy. Random data was collected to create a model which will help to detect fraudulent transactions around the world.
Capgemini Credit Card Acquisition Model. A model to identify potential customers who are eligible and may apply for credit cards using behavioural patterns and data gathered from social media.