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ISDSI 2022

27th to 29th December 2022 (Hybrid)

Conference Theme – “Building sustainable businesses in the phygital world”

The divide between the physical and digital worlds is diminishing at a fast pace with the emergence of wearable devices, AR, VR, AI automation agents, robots, and IoT – leading to an increasingly phygital world. These trends have led to massive growth in unstructured data from social media, sensors, and other devices. Business operations and decisions are getting increasingly data-driven, supported by advanced tools and techniques such as Blockchain, Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud Computing, etc. Further, today’s businesses are impacted heavily by unprecedented changes in markets, supply-chains, and technologies. In this changed phygital world, building sustainable business organizations, or even incorporating sustainable practices into existing organizations’ day-to-day business operations, requires careful consideration of critical questions such as:

ISDSI 2022 invites Abstracts/Full papers for presentation in any of the 11 key Tracks: Business Responsibility and Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science Applications, FinTech, Industry 4.0, Digital Economy, Cyber Security for Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Design Thinking, Future of Management Education and Future of Work.

The ISDSI 2022 Conference will provide the participants an excellent platform to receive quality feedback on their research, along with an opportunity for networking and publishing.

ISDSI 2022 has tied-up with the following indexed Journals:

For more details and to submit your abstract/paper, please visit: https://jagsom.edu.in/isdsi2022/