Latest Announcements

Immersion Program

Career Track Programs are enhanced online degree programs that are built ground-up in collaboration with the best academic and industrial training institutes with the sole purpose of getting learners employment-ready.

JAGSoM’s Mission

“Nurture Holistic, SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE and Continuously Employable Professionals”

JAGSoM has a longstanding tradition to give back the Society and Environment.

SIP is not just another program, It’s an initiative by the JAGSoM community of students, faculty and staff to make the world a better place.

As part of the Social Immersion Program (SIP), students engage in immersive experiences with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in rural areas where they gain knowledge on designing solutions for social issues.

Sustainable Development Goals

Adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in New York in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) are a set of Global Goals for an urgent call to action for the Global community to tackle issues like  poverty, hunger, inequality etc while navigating through climate change.

With Primary focus on SDG 1, 4 & 5

In Association With

What’s in it for

Prominent Projects over the Years

Restoring Ecosystems And Empowering Communities: Sadhana Forest's Holistic Approach To Reforestation And Water Conservation- Aligned To SDG 11

  • Ecosystem Restoration
  • Water Conservation
  • Community Empowerment
  • Ecosystem Restoration Techniques
  • Water Management
  • Sustainable Practices
  • Community Engagement
  • Vegan Lifestyle
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Reforestation
  • Water Conservation
  • Community Impact
  • Volunteer Transformation
  • Policy Recommendations

NABARD- KFW Soil Project- Amarakkuni Watershed Management - Aligned To SDG 6

  • Assess and analyze the impacts of the Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) on the environmental sustainability and livelihoods in Wayanad, Kerala, over the past three years.
  • Adverse Effects of Climate Change
  • Necessity of Sustainable Initiatives
  • Community Engagement
  • Holistic Approach
  • Increased Productivity
  • Improved Water Management
  • Enhanced Living Standards
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Economic Viability
  • SDG Alignment

Faculty In Charge

Prof. Zenia Nanra

Assistant Professor, Personality Enhancement
Programme & Chairperson,
V.B. Padode Centre for Sustainability,
Jagdish Sheth School of Management (JAGSoM)

SIP Reports

The Impact of Socially Responsible Business Education