Yaswanth Sudineni, Deepak Vasimalai, Amulya Vankamamidi and Sachin R, Indian Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 20 No. 2 (July-December, 2021)
The advent of smartphones and growth of the internet has completely transformed shopping
experience. Online shopping is a rapidly growing phenomenon in India, enabling customers to shop
at their convenience. To ensure continued growth of online shopping, understanding factors which
influence customer satisfaction becomes paramount. The purpose of this research is to explore the
key factors which influence consumers’ online shopping behaviour. Also, e-commerce industry is
majorly impacted due to COVID-19. This research looks into consumers’ shopping behaviour during
COVID-19 pandemic. By collecting data from online shoppers and analysing it, we found out the
main factors which influence customers purchasing online. By comparing the shopping behaviour
before and during COVID-19 lockdown, we were able to discern the changes in online shopping due
to the pandemic. Our study will be helpful to understand the factors influencing e-commerce in
India, and also in the context of COVID-19.
Link to Article: : http://www.ashwinanokha.com/resources/v20-4–21-41–supriro%20ghose.pdf